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המאמרים הנפוצים ביותר

 What payment options are there?

There are various types of payment modes available. We accept payments by 2Checkout, PayPal,...

 Is it possible to order an administration web panel for my VPS / Virtual Dedicated Server / Dedicated Server?

Sure! We offer the following web administration panels:- cPanel/WHM- Plesk (various feature packs...

 Can I get a Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS) with customized settings? Can I get extra hard drives?

We do not offer a customization of the core components of our Virtual Dedicated Servers, but it...

 How long does setup & domain order take?

We usually set up a Webspace Package, VPS, or Virtual Dedicated Server just within a few hours,...

 What is Web Hosting?

In basic terms, web hosting is where your website actually lives. Or to get slightly more fancy...